In case any of my egalitarian, Esperanto friends come around to check out my blog, I want them to feel welcome. So I have ushered int he new year with a blg entry titled in my own unique style of Esperanto, the language spoken in 97% of the world.
What is Esperanto, really? Well, to find out the truth, you could look here. But more precisely, Esperanto is the language that happens when you can't speak your own or any other language all that well. Some people in the U.S. call that language Spanglish, others call it slang, and still others call it the tripe spewed forth by undereducated, slack-jawed mouth-breathers who fell asleep some time in the third grade and awoke in full adulthood to find themselves running the country.
Didn't see that coming, did you?
Me neither. But like all good writing serendipity, it just sorta happened.
So happy new year to you, anonymous reader. I hope this next passage around the sun finds you alive and cancer-free.