Sunday, February 3, 2008


Here's an excerpt from Beulah:

The gaping engine compartments of the trucks on display in the jam-packed car lots of North Glenbury were making her head swim. Big fat trucks with big fat mouths and big fat tires driven by big fat liars who tell big fat lies to keep their big fat egos living free and easy in a twisted landscape constructed of lies built on top of lies.

“What’re ya thinking about?” Gary finally asked, switching off whatever crap music he’d been listening to.

“Nothing,” she lied. She closed her eyes tight, then spat out, “Everything. Just about everything. There’s so much now.”

21st Century is Jetsam

Facebook, iTunes, the Zune, HDTV, blogging, social networks, the relief of technology. It is all as unrelentingly artificial and empty as a styrofoam cup caught in roadside litter.

Nothing has yet improved our lives. And I am left taking a dim view of progress in all its form.

Feeling lonely, Universe. What have you got to say to that?