Well, out with the old. In with the new. As I've stated elsewhere, if the hope President Obama brings to the nation and the White House is repaid at even 5%, we'll be in good shape in 4 years.
Meanwhile, thanks to David Rees, author of the now-discontinued "Get Your War On" comic, I offer these key phrases from the Financial Times final editorial on George Bush:
“Executive hubris”
“Imperial overreach”
“Epic incompetence”
“Preternatural ebullience”
“Fathomless lack of curiosity”
“Disdain for empirical reality”
“Most fiscally incontinent (!!!) of presidents”
“Terribly wrong”
“Imperial overreach”
“Epic incompetence”
“Preternatural ebullience”
“Fathomless lack of curiosity”
“Disdain for empirical reality”
“Most fiscally incontinent (!!!) of presidents”
“Terribly wrong”
Oh, they are so right. Goodbye, jerk. I hope your life in Texas is a miserable one.