So let's get this straight. I'll be 41 this year. About three and a half months ago, for the first time in my life, I began giving a damn about my health and physical well-being. With a seven year old, a four year old, and a two year old, it was about high time. And since then, by going to the gym on average three days a week, I have lost over twenty pounds. Probably more, but I wasn't all that worried about exact numbers when I started.
Anyway, my plan is for 2009 to be about a number of things. One of them is my physical health and well-being. The other thing is that I need to write more. My novel, "Marvel and Twain," has been stalled for a while around the 120 page mark, and so I have also decided that 2009 is to be the year I get the first draft done, and the second or third or fourth draft underway. Plus, writing, revising, and submitting a raft of short stories, completed or underway.
Also, I intend to be a more mindful and sympathetic parent, as well as a more rewarding spouse.
Finally, it's a year to pay down debt and get the financial house in order.
So, as a means of getting some of these things accomplished, I thought that paying more attention to the Existential Cheerleading blog would be a smart thing. Here's a place where I can keep track of my progress, perhaps keep myself more accountable, and maybe the blog will grow into something that matters.
Best of luck to us all. The world teeters on the brink moreso than ever before (thanks, G.W.! You were awesome, for a complete jackass!), and focusing on myself can seem foolhardy, if not downright conceited, but it all begins right here.
See you next time.
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