I am looking at shafts of clear sunlight stabbing through the woods behind the house, silhouetting trees draped in a fresh fall of dry snow, and I find myself back here apologizing for the lack of recent entries. It is disappointing to you, my loyal readers, I am sure. How did you cope with my absence over the long Christmas break I took?
And there is so much to talk about.
- I have discovered which of my two dogs will remain loyal and at my side after the Apocalypse.
- Benazir Bhutto will not survive the Apocalypse. In fact, she hasn't even survived her triumphant return home. I could say a lot about it, but I don't think I have the stamina, just as you do not have the desire, probably, to read it all. But what else can happen in this world to destabilize that entire region? From the ongoing strife between the Israelis and Palestinians, to our bungling management of a war without reason in Iraq, to the border conflict between Turkey and the Jurds of northern Iraq to little Hitler in Tehran to the Afghan-Pakistani region of turmoil, a huge swatch of the earth rumbles.
- Presidential campaigning. Would everyone just step aside and let John Edwards lead us, please?
- What are the impediments to my writing? Three of them are hovering about right now.
- You folks need an excerpt from MARVEL AND TWAIN.
So plenty to come, once a few little people let me.
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